[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu for Curmudgeons

Skip Evans skip at bigskypenguin.com
Fri May 4 14:18:46 UTC 2007

Hey all,

The curmudgeonly old barber next door to my office 
has a computer at home with XP on it giving him 
fits. It won't access the Internet, gets an 
"unidentified error" trying to even display its 
firewall settings, and is, according to him, 
telling him his XP has "expired" and won't let him 
reinstall... or some such.

He's had with Windows and is asking me to load up 

I see Feisty Fawn on the download page is the most 
recent stable Xu?

Is this one stable enough for a newbie, and a 
curmudgeonly old barber at that?
Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
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