[xubuntu-users] initial xubuntu user notes

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 10 23:37:55 UTC 2007

Hi Jim,

I run Xubuntu Feisty Fawn on my sole 333mhz w/ 256mb of ram (used to run it
on 128mb before Christmas). I too can report that Xubuntu runs very well!

 As for testing, make sure to check out


Cody A.W. Somerville

On 1/10/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Maybe I'm the first person to put a post up here on xubuntu-users, but I'm
> not sure.  I figured that I would get things started anyway.  Currently, I'm
> running xubuntu on my Thinkpad T22, with a PIII @ 800mhz and 256mb of RAM.
> I occasionally dual boot between xubuntu and Windows 2000 on that laptop,
> and xubuntu runs much faster on that machine than W2k.
> My method of installation on the laptop was to use the alternate install
> CD, and to install just the base xubuntu system, and then build up the
> workings of the system using apt-get from the command line.  Though this way
> takes longer than , it's allowed me to save HD space on my older system.
> I really like the speed of Xfce on this laptop (on any moachine,
> actually), but I wish there were more icon options available for Xfce.
> Unlike gnome-look and kde-look.org, xfce-look.org doesn't have a plethora
> of icon options available.  I think I'm using the Tango icon set, and those
> seem to work well.  I think I installed those right from the ubuntu
> repositories.
> I'm running Edgy Eft, and haven't had any problems with reliability.  I
> plan to test the alpha and beta releases of Feisty Fawn on a spare HD on my
> desktop, which is currently running Xfce on top of Debian.
> This is just an initial entry here, but feel free to post your questions,
> comments, tips, and suggestions.  See you around!
> Jim
> --
> jwcampbell at gmail.com
> --
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