[xubuntu-users] Sharing printers

ono devo onodevo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 20:42:47 UTC 2007

If all your computers have cups on them, you can skip adding the
printer on each machine.

Try creating a file called 'client.conf' in the cups dir, then add:


What this does is makes your local cups install use everything on the
remote server. If I remember correctly, you won't even need to run the
cups daemon on any of the client machines, saving you some cycles.

However, if you wanted to use a printer connected directly to the
computer using USB or parallel port, you would still need to have the
cups daemon to manage it.

from: http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/ref-client-conf.html

"The ServerName directive specifies sets the remote server that is to
be used for all client operations. That is, it redirects all client
requests to the remote server."

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