[xubuntu-users] update-notifier

Hexzenn hexzenn at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 03:52:56 UTC 2007

On 8/8/07, David Collins <dcolli22 at csc.com.au> wrote:
> For general information ..
> In a fresh install of Feisty Xubuntu, I chose in Software Sources -
> Updates/Check for Updates.  After a time, I realized that this wasn't
> happening.  I found that update-notifier was not installed - installing
> this fixed the problem without me doing anything else - working nicely
> now.
> The small downside is that when you install update-notifier, you download
> quite a few gnome components in the process.  Maybe that is why it is not
> installed as part of the Xubuntu OS install ?
> Does anyone know the history of this ?
> (I guess it would be nice to have an xfce4-based update-notifier?)
> Regards,
> David Collins

The Gnome dependencies could be the cause of this. I know many people using
Xfce try to avoid Gnome dependencies like the plague, as do I.

Frankly, I hate update notifications. I prefer manually refreshing Synaptic
and checking to see what packages have updates available, if any. It's just
personal preference, though.

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