Proposal for additional pre-installed apps

Yousuf Philips ypharis at
Sun Mar 15 09:56:29 UTC 2020


> Disk Management [gnome-disk-utility]
> +1: I'm actually not sure anymore. There is no formatting tool installed
> by default? If not, I would +1 that. I'd say a tool for formatting devices
> is essential.

Yep no GUI disk management at all, which is why installing gparted and
gnome disk are the first two things I do.

> > xfce4-clipman-plugin
> -1: You don't need it to copy&paste things. Also: causes problems; In
> certain situation it will prevent things from being copied. First fix bugs,
> then think of default delivery.

In some scenarios you need a clipboard manager due to a bug in X11 which
clears the clipboard after closing an app, which is why i first began using
a clipboard manager. The plugin is in the repo and wouldnt be enabled by
default in the panel, so there shouldn't be a problem to have it
pre-installed, even if it had some bugs, which all software do have. It
takes up 1mb of extra space and it is used on the default panels of both
Manjaro and MX.

> > the discoverability of this feature is low
> That means, we should work on the discoverability, not on default delivery.

Okay i've filed a bug for that.

> > xfce4-appmenu-plugin
> -1: "Is this really necessary for EVERY user?"

We pre-install many plugins that arent necessary for everyone, but are
useful for some. Has a criteria been set that we only pre-install plugins
that are necessary for everyone, and if so, what are these criterias.

> > GUI Package Manager [synaptic]
> -1: "Is this really necessary for EVERY user?"

All apps we pre-install wont be necessary for everyone. I use webmail, so i
uninstall Thunderbird. Synaptic would be useful for those wanting package
level installation control and information without going to the terminal,
which Gnome software doesnt provide.

> It boils down to:
> > so adding things to the default install should be done with care.

Yes I totally agree with that.
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