Proposal for additional pre-installed apps

notebook notebook22312 at
Sun Mar 15 08:39:28 UTC 2020


> I think a more detailed rationale should be written.
> Just a vague "being useful" argument is not enough IMO, since most

> lite, while at the same time easy and intuitive, so adding things to
> the default install
> should be done with care.

Full Ack here.

> Disk Management [gnome-disk-utility]
+1: I'm actually not sure anymore. There is no formatting tool installed by default? If not, I would +1 that. I'd say a tool for formatting devices is essential.

> xfce4-clipman-plugin
-1: You don't need it to copy&paste things. Also: causes problems; In certain situation it will prevent things from being copied. First fix bugs, then think of default delivery.
> the discoverability of this feature is low
That means, we should work on the discoverability, not on default delivery.

> xfce4-appmenu-plugin
-1: "Is this really necessary for EVERY user?"

> GUI Package Manager [synaptic]
-1: "Is this really necessary for EVERY user?"

It boils down to:
> so adding things to the default install should be done with care.


On 2020/03/15 3:07, Mario Rugiero wrote:
> Hi.
> I think a more detailed rationale should be written.
> Just a vague "being useful" argument is not enough IMO, since most
> applications on the
> repositories are, by definition, useful, and AFAIK one of the aims of
> Xubuntu is being
> lite, while at the same time easy and intuitive, so adding things to
> the default install
> should be done with care.
> Just my 2 cents.
> El sáb., 14 mar. 2020 a las 15:00, Paul Sutton (<zleap at>) escribió:
>> Hi
>> I would +1 these (or their equivalents) for most Linux os systems,  as
>> they are useful.
>> Paul
>> On 14/03/2020 15:06, Yousuf Philips wrote:
>>> Hi Team,
>>> I would like to propose these additional apps be installed by default
>>> with Xubuntu.
>>> Disk Management [gnome-disk-utility]
>>> As gparted isn't installed by default, this app provides the ability to
>>> format a partition, set automount to partitions, mounting and writing of
>>> disk images, and alot more.
>>> Space Usage [baobab or mate-disk-usage-analyzer]
>>> Its always useful to find out where space is being used in a drive or
>>> folder, especially when you are running out of space.
>>> GUI Package Manager [synaptic]
>>> We have gnome software for an app store, apt for the terminal, but no
>>> GUI for package management.
>>> Panel Plugins
>>> xfce4-clipman-plugin: Clipboard history is an excellent feature and
>>> without this pre-installed, the discoverability of this feature is low
>>> (i've been installing parcellite not knowing the xfce had its own
>>> clipboard manager as its not available by default in the 'Add New Items'
>>> dialog) and it will be used by my Windows 7 panel preset.
>>> xfce4-appmenu-plugin: Useful plugin for those wanting a Mac or Unity
>>> feel to their panels, and will be used by my Mac panel preset -
>>> Regards,
>>> Yousuf
>> --
>> Paul Sutton
>> gnupg : 7D6D B682 F351 8D08 1893  1E16 F086 5537 D066 302D
>> --
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