Proposal for additional pre-installed apps

Yousuf Philips ypharis at
Mon Mar 16 22:12:03 UTC 2020

In order to provide additional weight to my suggestions, here are other
distros that provide them by default.

Disk Management: Ubuntu, Kubuntu*, Ubuntu Mate, Lubuntu*, Linux Mint
(Cinnamon)*, Linux Lite, Manjaro, Voyager*, Zorin OS Lite, MX Linux*
* distro includes separate disk image writer app

Space Usage: Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Linux Mint (Cinnamon), Zorin OS Lite, MX

GUI Package Manager: Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Linux Mint (Cinnamon), Linux Lite,
Manjaro, MX Linux

Panel Clipboard: Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Manjaro, MX Linux

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 7:06 PM Yousuf Philips <ypharis at> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I would like to propose these additional apps be installed by default with
> Xubuntu.
> Disk Management [gnome-disk-utility]
> As gparted isn't installed by default, this app provides the ability to
> format a partition, set automount to partitions, mounting and writing of
> disk images, and alot more.
> Space Usage [baobab or mate-disk-usage-analyzer]
> Its always useful to find out where space is being used in a drive or
> folder, especially when you are running out of space.
> GUI Package Manager [synaptic]
> We have gnome software for an app store, apt for the terminal, but no GUI
> for package management.
> Panel Plugins
> xfce4-clipman-plugin: Clipboard history is an excellent feature and
> without this pre-installed, the discoverability of this feature is low
> (i've been installing parcellite not knowing the xfce had its own clipboard
> manager as its not available by default in the 'Add New Items' dialog) and
> it will be used by my Windows 7 panel preset.
> xfce4-appmenu-plugin: Useful plugin for those wanting a Mac or Unity feel
> to their panels, and will be used by my Mac panel preset -
> Regards,
> Yousuf
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