Increase panel's default height

Yousuf Philips ypharis at
Thu Jul 18 19:12:04 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I ran a poll on twitter for a week < >, with pleia2's
help < >, and 60
votes came in and 57% want it to be increased to 28 or above and 43% voted
for the current 24px default. Its hard to know whether those voting for the
24px default would be happy with this vote, if they were using 19.04 and
above, as the default icons there are 16x16 compared to 20x20 in 18.04.
With the new algorithm for the panel of never upscaling or downscaling
icons to panel_size - 4, this is another reason in favour of moving to 28px

Some additional numbers:
Ubuntu: 66px (panel is in Deskbar mode)
Windows 7: 40px

Yousuf Philips

On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 1:44 AM Yousuf Philips <ypharis at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> As part of my initial UI and UX work on Xubuntu, i've been focused on
> improvements to the panel properties dialog and I created a video with a
> number of suggestions < > and
> one of them was changing the default panel height. Below are the default
> panel sizes in other XFCE distros.
> Manjaro 18.0.4 & Swag Arch 19.1: 27px
> Enso: 28px
> Linux Lite 4.4: 30px
> Linux Mint 19.1 & GalliumOS 3.0: 32px
> Galore: 38px
> MX: 40px (panel is in Deskbar mode)
> And these are from other distros
> Ubuntu Mate 19.10: 28px
> Lubuntu 19.10: 32px
> Kubuntu 18.04: 36px @ 800x600 and 30px @ 1368x768 or larger
> My suggestion is to increase it to 28px which is the lowest even number
> from the sizes listed above and would allow 24px icons to appear in the
> panel with 2px padding above and below. It is the default I use both on my
> 1366x768 laptop and 1440x900 desktop. Alternatively we can go up one or two
> notches to 30px or 32px to have even more padding and improving the panel's
> visibility at 1080p and higher.
> It might be good to reach out to the community on twitter and run a poll
> asking if poeple think it should be changed and what the new default should
> be. I havent filed this yet as a enhancement report on launchpad, as maybe
> the decision would be to make this change upstream.
> Regards,
> Yousuf Philips
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