Xubuntu subreddit ownership

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Wed Jul 10 07:47:52 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I'm not sure whether these are the correct email addresses to use, so
fingers crossed, but:

I haven't been involved with Xubuntu for a long, long time now. However, I
am still the owner of the /r/xubuntu subreddit. Since I'd imagine you'd
want to be in control of your social media presences, and reddit is rather
popular right now, I was wondering if I could add any of the Xubuntu team
as owners?

If so, please let me know which reddit usernames I should add. Also note
that I don't really know who's on the team nowadays, so perhaps some
verification is a good idea?

I'm also no longer subscribed to these mailinglists, so please CC my email
address in replies to this email.


PS. Great to see Xubuntu still thriving!
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