YouTube - New Xubuntu Videos/Channel

Jimmy Sjölund jimmy at
Wed Jan 29 09:42:35 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:38 PM, Jay Torian <jaytorian at> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I just wanted to share that I'm looking to see what I can do to boost
> Xubuntu presence on YouTube and it's cross integration with Google+.  I've
> shared a couple emails with Elizabeth on this with some thoughts on
> content.  The goal is to do something sustainable and set realistic
> expectations, but also test what we might be able to pick up during 2014
> which stands to be an exciting year with 14.04 release.
> YouTube is one of the biggest search engines in the world right now, and I
> personally used it a lot when trying to preview linux versions to install
> before I picked Xubuntu as my favorite.  It really helped to demystify
> linux when I was very new to it.  There's a lot of good content out there,
> some pretty sincere folks bumping FOSS and making good quality content, and
> it's an opportunity to get your great work in front of more eyes.
> While I can pull in some great Xubuntu reviews and other helpful content,
> I think it would be a good custom content project to create some short
> videos based on the user guide.  It may sound a little boring, but it's
> helpful, it's the kind of thing that people keyword search the search
> engine and google for - and so it feels like attractive organic seo content
> to me.
> "xubuntu how do I change the clock format?"
> "how to I uninstall a program in xubuntu?"
> "how to I update xubuntu?"
> etc.
> I saw a user guide online for 12.04 - I heard maybe there'd be a new one -
> or some new documentation being developed.
> Any recommendations on this documentation?  I could use it as content to
> narrate the videos.
> These are the things I was thinking about trying to do.
> Feedback welcome. Thank you.

We are looking into doing tutorials for an Ubuntu Studio youtube channel
and I would be happy to collaborate and share ideas as many things will be
the same or similar between the distros.

cub on irc
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