Splitting Up The vUDS-1305 Blueprint

Joshua O'Leary jmoey139 at gmail.com
Sat May 4 11:24:19 UTC 2013

In terms of packaging, I think the packaging system really ought to be simpler and more efficient as a whole. The autoconf system used by most software calls so many scripts it is bound to have a performance hit, it also seems overcomplicated. I think this would make it easier for those who would want to be involved with development (like myself), know how to program but feel that packaging/uploading is currently a tricky point (though have to admit the current system is still fairly reliable and changing it would mean a lot of work). Just a thought.


On Thu, 2 May 2013 20:54:02 -0400
Stephen Michael Kellat <skellat at fastmail.net> wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> Since a blueprint is only allocated 60 minutes at the virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit, I went ahead and split the one blueprint up into three separate ones.
> Xubuntu Issues: The "Saucy" Cycle -- Development & Milestone Participation 
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+spec/client-xubuntu-1305-dev
> Xubuntu Issues: The "Saucy" Cycle -- Software 
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+spec/client-xubuntu-1305-software
> Xubuntu Issues: The "Saucy" Cycle -- Forward-Looking Issues
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+spec/client-xubuntu-1305-aob
> Please also bear in mind that with the new cadence for the summits, we should be having another meeting around the time of Alpha 3 being released.  Depending upon timing, Feature Freeze is set for August 22nd so sneaking anything in at that time is **not** advised.  Now is the time to speak up about features while the mid-way meeting will be for analysis and course-correction.
> I selected the "Client" track so we need either Jason Warner or Sebastien Bacher to sign off on the blueprints to get them placed on the schedule.  If we get bumped over to "Community", the folks who can sign off include: Daniel Holbach, Nick Skaggs, and Jono Bacon.  We were on the Community track last time so getting bumped over is possible.
> Stephen Michael Kellat
> -- 
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Joshua O'Leary <jmoey139 at gmail.com>

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