Bugs and Improvement ideas for XUbuntu 10.04

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Wed Jul 14 10:35:22 UTC 2010

2010/7/14 Pál Gergő <lordofdance at freemail.hu>

>   Hi again.
>  > Really, there are people who've worked hard on quality documentation,
> which can really be a help sometimes :)
>  Okay, you're right :) All document writers , excuse me for my impatience.
> I only open the documentations when I want to learn something new and I
> exactly want to know what I want to learn. (If I didn't know alreaty that
> swap [should] exsists, I wouldn't have created one)
>  > I believe that's already possible. Have you checked the Mouse and
> Display items, respectively, in Applications->Settings->Settings Manager?
>  The Settings manager -> Display lets me change the resolution and the
> refresh rate, even rotation but not color depth.
>  The mouse settings lets me change acceleation, and acceleration treshold,
> but not default speed.
>> 7. There should be a more easy way to change the number of desktops ,
>> and to create Launcher shortcuts. (ex: right click on the desktop
>> changer -> Set count ; Right click on a file -> create shortcut)
> I found the Launcher creation in the desktop and Thunar. I thought KDE
> would also show this right-click menu item when I run a kde-based file
> manager( Krusader), but seems it doesn't. So sorry for this one.
>  > 12-13-14
> > Most of the things that apply to normal users are present in the
> documentation. The more advanced things can be learned through the internet
> or a guide book, but that's really out of scope to confront the bulk of the
> users with on the desktop.
>  Okay, you're right. It's me-specific :)
>  > Is there a place more obvious than xscreensaver to have screen locking
> capabilities? Basically it's just running the screensaver but not stopping
> until a password is entered.
>  One of my first thing was to disable xscreensaver daemon to save memory. I
> thought it works on a deeper level. I didn't want a screen saver but wanted
> to lock my screen.
>  > Most of the packages you install are in /var/cache/apt, IIRC :)
>  I know, and for an automated backup, I wrote a shell script.
> Normal/average newcomer users won't write a shell script.
Do they backup their .deb packages? ;-)

>  20. The ICEDTEA (or any other firefox - openjava brigde) should be
>> installed by default. Seriously.
> > Why? Isn't Java installed now it's open source?
>  Firefox and OpenJava are both installed, they just can't see each-other. I
> also had to install Icedtea package (that's why I called it bridge), for the
> two to find each-other.
> >Can't you already access SMB shares through Gigolo by default?
>  It can acces but cannot create a file sharing.

Hmm... I did believe there was a feature or a plug-in that would Thunar do
that... Can't find it right now though.

>  > When running the LiveCD, there is System->Administration->USB Startup
> Disk Creator. You can also install this afterwards to easily create a
> bootable USB pendrive, that can also store your settings and installed
> applications and the like.
>  My fault. Wasn't exploring the LiveCD deelpy enough.
>  > .tar.gz in general or is this just a probably with Krusader?
>  Right again. Only in crusader.
>  Well sorry if I hurt anybodys feelings, I just wanted to express what a
> (close-to-) normal, impatient user feels.
>  I will report special program and project related bugs to where they
> belong.

Oh, haha, I didn't mean to sound too grumpy or something, just wanted to
give you an indication of what can/will be done with your comments :)

>  I am also planning to create a short step-by-step guide to install and
> set up Xubuntu [especially for users who don't like to read], and in that I
> wanted to mention the UTC, Pulsaudio, etc that a newcomer would be surprised
> at. And also teach some very basics, just to let the user know what should
> he/she google on forums.

That could very well be useful to some people :)

>  Thanks for all replies.
>  Gregorius

You're welcome, thanks for the comments,
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