UDS Karmic Goals

Pasi Lallinaho open at knome.fi
Tue May 26 13:58:01 UTC 2009


Steve Dodier wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I just would like to give a few words about points 2, 3, 4, and
> possibly 6.
> 2. Discuss and spec out improvements to notifications.
>     * For the notifications, i had a look at both daemons, and i
>       personally think notify-osd to be very promising. I'm sorry for
>       not being able to attend UDS physically before thursday morning,
>       but I'll try to get in touch with Mirco Muëller (help might be
>       needed from people who know what he looks like :p)in order to
>       see what will be done in notify-osd during the karmic cycle
>       (esp, will the brigthness-lag and fullscreen bugs be fixed).
>     * I hope to get my sound notifications daemon running soon. I also
>       spotted some stuff that could be changed/fixed in thunar-volman
>       (mostly remove the action buttons from the "media not ready to
>       unmount yet" notification bubble, and possibly add notifications
>       for when a device is done mounting)
>     * We also have to make sure our icon theme includes notification-*
>       icons.
> 3. Identify and possibly fix the login delay issue | 4. Examine memory
> usage of default Xubuntu desktop
>     * A quick googling brought me to some people whining about the
>       slowness of xfce4-settings-helper, we'll have to check this out.
>     * Also related to 4. (ram usage) : we have update-notifier +
>       jockey running on startup, these also take time to launch, and
>       they're very RAM hungry compared to the rest of the desktop. We
>       might want to find a way to load them later, or not on all boots
>       ? Also, tracker is launched by default, afaik. Is it needed by
>       all users ?
> 6. Documentation, Artwork.
>     * I've got a few ideas for an usplash (not sure we'll have
>       Plymouth by time). I actually love the openSuse ones, they're
>       original, i'll try to get an usplash theme mockup asap.
In the last cycle we were way too late to include a new usplash. This
needs to be worked quite early in the cycle as it might break things. I
have no objections even if it was just "basic Xubuntu" and something
specially made for Karmic.

It'd be great if you could come up with an usplash mockup :)
>     * Pasi and me will apparently try to work on improving XFCE's own
>       doc during the next months. Integrating the XFCE doc could be a
>       good goal for improving our own one, aswell as the xubuntu-docs.
>       Having them on the website with a sexy CSS would also help.
As we discussed in UDS Jaunty, we are trying to get way more cooperation
in Xfce/Xubuntu documentation, and I think Jim and Jannis have done
something to form a shared documentation team already. We totally want
to support Xfce in their documentation.
>     * About the website, what could we add to it in order to make it
>       more useful ? A sort of planet.xubuntu.org
>       <http://planet.xubuntu.org> ? More support options from the
>       start page ? What are we going to do for the lack of mirrors, too ?
In a few days I can showcase you a partly static site running WordPress
(MU). I still think we should switch to WP to get new features more
easily. Also with WP we could easily aggregate developer blogs into a
blog planet.
> Voilà, that's all for now. Im really looking forward to see all those
> of you who are at Barcelona !
> -- 
> Steve Dodier
> OpenPGP : 1B6B1670
> IRC : SiDi on irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net>
> Jabber : sidi at im.apinc.org <mailto:sidi at im.apinc.org>
> steve.dodier at gmail.com <mailto:steve.dodier at gmail.com>
> https://launchpad.net/~sidi <https://launchpad.net/%7Esidi>

Have a nice UDS in BCN!

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

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