Free Quick Ship Discs ready

Vincent mailinglists at
Fri Jul 31 18:18:56 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Pasi Lallinaho <open at> wrote:

> 2009/7/31 Vincent <mailinglists at>
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Todd Robinson <todd at> wrote:
>>> Ok, I received some really great input from the beta test. It turned out
>>> that just about everyone except American Express users had a problem
>>> checking out with the product showing no cost. I'm told it is because of
>>> "fraud prevention" measures.
>>> I've now taken a much more standard approach of using sets of direct
>>> attributes and it looks like the Quick Ship service is ready to go.
>>> When linking PLEASE link directly to the Quick Ship wiki page. It
>>> contains important information and links to two separate pages to obtain
>>> discs. One for domestic U.S. the other world wide. It will also reflect
>>> any future changes to the program.
>>> I'm wondering if any developers have an objection to me turning off the
>>> standard Xubuntu listing?
>>> Please let me know if there are any objections,
>>> Todd
>> OK then, I don't think anybody objected so I suppose I can add it to the
>> website now. One question: should I still mark this as being a trial? Also,
>> if you ever decide to stop this program, could you notify me and the
>> xubuntu-devel list?
>> Not sure what you mean by "turning off the standard Xubuntu listing" btw.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Vincent
>> --
>> xubuntu-devel mailing list
>> xubuntu-devel at
> Vincent,
> If I understand correctly the Xubuntu disc won't be available as "normal"
> purchase, but only as the Quick service, which is more manual
> than the normal one.

Still not sure what the difference is :P

> And sure, I think we can already include a link on our website. Just make
> sure it's not "official" or Canonical supported thing in any way but merely
> a free software community effort.

Of course, it will be clear that it's not an effort by Canonical nor the
Xubuntu Developers :)

One more question: could we see a photo of what the disks look like? Just
out of curiosity...


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