New panel size
jozmak at
Thu Nov 8 19:35:12 UTC 2007
On Nov 8, 2007 2:09 PM, Jelle de Jong <jelledejong at> wrote:
> Vincent wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > So, I think about everybody agrees Xubuntu's panels can be grealy
> > decreased in size. I thought I'd turn it into a separate thread to avoid
> > confusion.
> >
> > So: is there still anyone who thinks the panels should keep their
> > current size, and if not, what should the new width be?
> >
> > --
> > Vincent
> >
> After reading al these discussions about the idea to change the panel
> size, to something other then 32 pixels. I wanted to give my 2 cent.
> I have one BIG problem with this: The xfce panel and icons behave a bit
> strange when it comes to decreasing the size:
> The icons become very small and fuzzy when < 32 pixels. There is a to
> big difference with 32 pixels and <32 pixels. It is visually very
> unattractive to look at.
> Until all *.desktop files get icons in the *.svg format, and the panel
> gets a new system of calculation the space for these svg icons I vote
> strongly against making the panel smaller then 32 pixels.
All this can be solved, as I suggested in my first post, by going back
to the original xfce layout. One panel at the bottom. Then we can set
the panel size to a confortable size at which the icons look good.
Conclusion: before we copy something we have to analyze all aspects of
the thing we are copying. At the current state then xfce is not
suitable for a gnome like layout.
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