Squeeze Archive Manager in Gutsy?

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 08:45:48 UTC 2007

On 06/07/07, i80and <i80and at gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps it would be best not to replace XArchiver quite yet, until the
> bug list for Squeeze gets a tad shorter (Until bugs #2911, #3072,
> #3101, and #2638 are fixed at least).
> However, I guess I could _try_ to package it and get it into Universe.
> Never made a package before, let alone apply for it to be added to
> Universe, but the former shouldn't be a problem.
> Thanks for the links, and for the consideration.

Does Squeeze provide a plugin for Thunar that allows you to "Extract Here"?
That's an essential feature to me.

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