Translations (i18) incomplete

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at
Tue May 2 06:19:12 UTC 2006

> Yes, Xfce from svn is almost fully translated.
> At least the following packages I see in finnish from svn
> , but are in english in xubuntu:
> 1) orage (except orageclock plugin)
> 2) xfwm4 (settings are visible)
> 3) xfsession (again settings)
> 4) xfce panel
> 5) theme preferences
> 6) window manager tweaks (settings again)
> 7) work spaces and margins settings
> 8) xfdesktop

thanks for the list. Does anyone else experience similar translation
regressions vs upstream svn in other languages?
This must be fixed by release.

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