
Oblio apa.chioara at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 22:55:28 UTC 2006

> Hi all,
> As a result of our productive discussions regarding the look and feel
> of the logo this week, I thought it would be a good idea to redirect
> these issues to be also part of the general art-ubuntu discussion
> process. I had a chat with Troy from the Ubuntu art council and as a
> result, all xubuntu art related issues will be part of the general
> discussions of the art team. The art team is very well organized now
> (much better than during the dapper development circle) and Mark too
> is part of it, since he wants edgy to turn out real fancy. I already
> put up my proposals for discussions to the art site. I encourage
> everybody to sing up to this mailing list, even if not contributing,
> but at least to get some general ideas what has been going on in art
> related matters and read the feedbacks of our art-proposals.
> As a result of this I was told to change the wiki adress as well.
> Here is the new address.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/XubuntuEdgy/Proposals
> Please update your bookmarks.
> J. Mak

It's embossed and glassy. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the
logos - Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu.
And I thought that simple was the way to go for today's graphics...
Don't shoot me, talk to my desktop publisher/Photoshop man :)

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