Feedback & Suggestions

Vincent imnotb at
Thu Apr 27 17:32:42 UTC 2006

On 26/04/06, Jani Monoses <jani.monoses at> wrote:
> Hi
> > Window Manager Preferences
> >
> > Picks up a specific keybinding theme from my previous XFCE 4.2.3
> > settings, but doesn't allow new Shortcuts to be added? Have to
> > create a new theme!? Can't find how to even add a custom key-
> > binding.... am I missing something?
> indeed this is an annoying upstream feature.  In recent versions it should
> be a bit
> easier, add a new theme and it keeps the rest of the keys. But I agree it
> is unintuitive
> to thnk of this as 'themes' indtead of sinpy keys but I guess it is
> historical and upstream
> does not seem like is going to change it. And we don't have enough
> resources to tweak
> and maintain changes to upstream xfce desktop as we think would be
> friendlier.
> Applications Menu (Xubuntu specific?)
> >
> > File Manager should default to Thunar. Wow, haven't checked it
> > out for a while now and I'm impressed.
> it is thunar now

In the thunar-dev mailinglist this was discussed, it defaults to Thunar only
in English, so if you language is African it would still be xffm. This was a
while ago so I don't know if it's still an issue.

Separate Lock Screen panel action should be included
> > (ie. not small and included, but separate)
> not sure if many more panel applets are needed. It becomes visually
> cluttered easily.
> For your average user, under Applications/System sub-menu:
> >
> > Where is the network device manager GUI?
> in universe still unfortunately (xubuntu-system-tools)
> Where is the gnome-cups-manager GUI, or a GTK-only equivalent?
> was in my plans but seems won't be there for  dapper :(  and there's no
> gtk only thing like that AFAIK. Upstream xfce does not have such tool.
> These functions are absolute essentials for a desktop.
> I agree with this.
> The xfce4-taskmanager should definitely be either on the panel by
> > default, or at the very least available via the (+) Add New Item
> it's a techie thing. Users shoould not care about 'processes'
> option on the panel. This is one of the most important apps for
> > your average GUI centric user, when a bloated application like
> > decides to freeze.
> it's not a panel plugin but a normal app so cannot be there. As for
> freezing apps
> try ctrl-alt-esc (should trigger xkill, if not it's a bug)
> I'm not convinced that minimizing apps to icons on the desktop is a
> > good idea... why the introduction of yet another way of showing
> me neither :) File launchers  the default since last week, the minimized
> apps is upstream default
> for CDE compatibility/nostalgy. There are people who like that but we try
> to follow what is common
> on other desktops.
> Jani
> --
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