Display Manager and possible bugs

Dott. Giovanni Bonenti gbonenti at missive.it
Fri Oct 7 11:35:31 UTC 2005

Jani Monoses disse:
> Hello and welcome
>> I am very impressed for the work you've done, especially on the side of
>> sound support.
> that is interesting, since besides including esound in the package list I
> didn't do anyting.

So I think I made the wrong test (in fact I tested the sound with xmms
that interfaces directly with ALSA).
> Are you sure you're not running gnome services on startup? I am trying to
> make esd
> start by default but right now AFAIK it doesn't.

Perhaps setting the Gnome services to run on the startup by default could
be the solution.

In my past installation I used a trick: I've put a link to
/usr/bin/polypaudio (that I was using as a sound daemon) in the directory
/home/myuser/Desktop/Autostart (same trick to activate rox pinboard).

> Speaking about the login interface I wanto to remember that ther is also
>> wdm that is lighter than both gdm and kdm.
> I saw on the ubuntulite.org <http://ubuntulite.org> site that they have
> tested that too and it was the slowest apparently
> http://ubuntulite.org/wiki/index.php/Login_manager

I knew that document, but it refers to the GDM gtk-greeter that, imho,
does suck.
Today afternoon I'm gonna make some tests about wdm and gdm (with graphc
greeter) then I'll report to the list.
> I'd like to report a little bug: on the standard panel of xubuntu the link
>> to terminal is broken: it is configured to call xfterminal4, but the
>> right
>> name of the terminal executable is xfce4-Terminal (that it's absolutely
>> amazing, since it offers almost all the functionalities of the
>> gnome-terminal with a weighth that's almost the half).
> in the panel or the desktop menu? In the panel it used ot be xfterm4 which
> called
> something appropriate in turn, but in the latest xfce4-panel package I
> took
> out the terminal from the panel
> altogether. There's only desktop menu, firefox and the standard xfce
> plugins
> (settings, desktops, print, clock etc)

I installe xubuntu desktop yesterday and the terminal was there in the
panel, with the broken link that I reported :) (the sources were from
I suggest also installing the plugin that allows to set the window list on
the panel, because allows also to enlarge the panel to fit the width of
the screen.
With this plugin we could build a desktop interface that is very similar
to standard Ubuntu's Gnome interface.

> For image viewing I use GQview, that's fast, light and full-featured, and
>> fbi for the consoles (fbi can also be a pdf viewer for text consoles).
> I use gqview too from time to time. Besides not having sane keybindings
> for
> rotate I like it.
> I suggest also grip for cd ripping
> that has gnome dependencies. It may be on the CD but not in the default
> desktop package.
Then perhaps something like abcde could be used instead?

> Jani


Dott. Giovanni Bonenti
MikTeX, Mozilla Firefox,
GVim, GIMP on winsucks98
(only at work)
"Onestamente, il jazz sono più quelli che lo suonano che quelli che lo
ascoltano!" (Elio, 19-7-2005)

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