Abiword with dependences corrupting Xubuntu

Julio Monteiro juliomonteiro at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 13:12:06 UTC 2005


I am running an Drappe Drake in my VMplayer[1]. I just installed
xubuntu-desktop, but there is a problem: abiword-common gives me this
message (translated from portuguese):

abiword-common: Depends on: abiword-gnome but it will not be installed.

If I run  {{{ apt-get install abiword-gnome -y }}} , and then {{{
apt-get install abiword-common -y }}} , every thing goes ok. Instead,

I know that this list is for Xubuntu, but I dont know where could I
report this bug. If someone reports it to me (and teach me where can I
report bugs), I would be very gratefull :)


[1] www.vmware.com

 - Júlio Santos Monteiro
 homepage = "http://www.monteiro.eti.br/"
 irc = "jmont @ irc.freenode.net"
 GnuPG = "0x5E3995FE @ pgp.mit.edu"

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