Effect of using "native" jobs on boot time?
ml.mildred593 at online.fr
Fri Oct 19 11:33:18 BST 2007
Le Thu 18/10/2007 à 17:11 upstart at eehouse.org à écrit:
> what impact
> this has had on boot time. Is it noticable? Can you guess at a
> percentage change?
Personally I replaced init completely with upstart some months ago. And
I gained nothing in boot speed. Is was almost the same, or slower. I
can't say.
But ...
- I wasn't using sysvinit scripts but ArchLinux scripts that are based
on BSD init. So it was already fast.
- I didn't replaced the basic script that mount /proc, check
partitions, mount them ... in /etc/rc.sysinit. I called directly that
script from an upstart job.
But I wasn't looking for quicker boot, just more flexibility. For
example I thought that I could start CUPS when I connect a printer, and
not if I don't ... things like that. But I couldn't do that so I came
back to my old init.
By the way, what is that you call native jobs ?
Mildred Ki'lya
E-Mail: mildred593 at online.fr
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