[ANNOUNCE] upstart 0.3.0 released

Sean E. Russell upstart at ser1.net
Wed Oct 18 03:56:43 BST 2006

On Tuesday 17 October 2006 14:36, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> Here's a release to kick off the process of further development; the

I'm not familiar with the Upstart numbering scheme.  Does this mean that 
further development will be 0.3.x leading up to 0.4.0?

> next several releases can include big changes and shouldn't be deployed
> but is perfect for considering deploying in the next release of your
> distro.

Can you please clarify this?  Does this mean that the 0.X.0 releases 
are "stable", and that 0.X.[n>0] are development?

> Many of the changes will be those we've discussed in the last month or
> two, especially concerning events and job states.

This sounds exciting.  What sorts of things are you considering?

> If there's anything in particular you want to see in the 0.3 series,
> then now's the time to make sure it's filed somewhere.  File a bug or
> specification, and begin discussion on this list.

Of the things I've brought up, I'd like to see multi-event dependencies, since 
these are a bare minimum for creating a compatability layer for Gentoo.  I 
*think* conditional dependencies can wait a bit longer, but I'm not certain.

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