[ubuntu-za] Old(ish) Laptop

Jan Greeff jan at verslank.net
Sun Apr 17 19:00:07 UTC 2016

Sounds sensible Bill, keep us posted on the outcome.

On 17/04/2016 20:49, Bill Cairns wrote:
> Thanks all. My idea is to use the old computer as a travelling 
> companion - that means mostly for email, occasional browsing, storing 
> pictures and a bit of word processing. I have used it occasionally in 
> the past to do just that using XP. And yes, Firefox can be frustrating 
> with Chrome little better. (I have found that running multiple tabs is 
> not a good idea).  Irfanview and Open Office (I am running an old 
> version) run fine once they get started so I don't foresee problems 
> with gThumb or Libre Office. I expect Linux to run better (not very 
> much better, but better) than XP. Of course there will be fewer 
> frustrations and less bad language without Windows.
> My present plan is to install a full Unity system and see how it goes. 
> I will cut out all the fudge (I have already done that on my main 
> system because I really don't need fancy). If the clunker still 
> struggles, I will try using Xfce rather than Unity. (This is how I ran 
> for some time before Unity the Windows menu in the Window title bar - 
> Gimp just won't work without it).  If that is still unsatisfactory I 
> will go to plan C. I am not sure what plan C is yet but I will 
> certainly look at Mate and Cinnamon and even Lubuntu.
> Bill
> On 17 April 2016 at 16:55, Lee Sharp <leesharp at hal-pc.org 
> <mailto:leesharp at hal-pc.org>> wrote:
>     On 04/17/2016 03:25 AM, Jaco Stroebel wrote:
>         Good morning Bill, Everyone,
>         Something worth keeping in mind with such an old laptop (and
>         certainly
>         the 2009 HP Compaq that I have) is that the OS might be
>         lightweight, but
>         the software is not necessarily. I've had trouble with browsers
>         especially, that just tear through the RAM. So depending on
>         the usecase,
>         it might turn out somewhat frustrating to use.
>     This is so true!  I have started looking for a clean browser again
>     because the big ones have gotten so fat that they can bring a new
>     computer to it's knees!  Especially if you leave them running a
>     few days...
>                             Lee
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