[ubuntu-za] Increase Slow WiFi Speed

Percy Langa percylanga at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 06:52:45 UTC 2014

On 2014/04/08 08:55 AM, Bernie Swanzen wrote:
> This might be of use for some.
> While downloading a 1gig file from a local University I noticed one of 
> my fellow students downloading the same file at 4 times speed with a 
> MAC.  (I am using Linux Mint 16).  I Immediately did a comparison via 
> speedtest.net.
> My download speed was below 1mb per second, with the Mac getting in 
> the regions of 5mb/s.
> Below a link with a couple of solutions I found that can be 
> implemented for Ubuntu to increase WiFi speed - I applied option 3 
> from the link, and the results were amazing... I now get anything 
> between 8mb/s to 20mb/s from the same wifi connection.
> http://itsfoss.com/speed-up-slow-wifi-connection-ubuntu/
Howzat Bernie,

Nice catch! Many thanks.


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