[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu virus-free but what about bugs?

Jan Greeff jan at verslank.net
Wed Sep 11 18:35:44 UTC 2013

Hi Percy,

When I login as a guest, the same applies: the "-" link is inactive.

I have not tried different desktop environments other than the default 
Ubuntu environment.

I don't think that image viewer apps are relevant to the problem, which 
is located in the Ubuntu system settings.

Best wishes,


On 11/09/2013 15:54, Percy Langa wrote:
> On 2013/09/11 12:30 PM, Jan Greeff wrote:
>> A bug has been reported to the effect that the "-" button in the 
>> pictures folder of the desktop images in Ubuntu 12.04 does not work, 
>> so we can upload images via "+" but cannot delete them via "-".
> Howzat Jan,
> Does this issue persist if you:
> - Use a different desktop environment / window manager (KDE, LXDE, 
> Openbox, etc)
> - Use a different image viewer application
> - Login as different user (guest account)
> Lastly, when did the issue start? Could it be after a recent 
> software/security update?
> Percy

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