[ubuntu-za] Webcam issues

Neil Oosthuizen nlsthzn at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 08:00:07 UTC 2013

On 14 November 2013 11:33, Jan Greeff <jan at verslank.net> wrote:
> Dear Ubuntu community,
> My webcam/Skype issue has become a bit of a hardy annual. When I visit the
> forums, the feedback that I get is that the problem is long solved and I
> must go away, but it is not.
> Jan

Hi Jan,

Firstly I was saddened to see you say that you visited the forum and
was told to go away :( I however see many attempts from you to solve
the problem on "Ask Ubuntu" so I assume that is what you tried and not
the official Ubuntu Forum (www.ubuntuforums.org) so at least I take
solace in the fact that it wasn't actually "the forum" that asked you
to go away...

It would really help to know what you have tried and what you haven't.
 Did you follow the advice you got the first time around etc? I see
many threads on Ask Ubuntu about this issue (in example
and various others... not many with advice however :/

I don't use Skype (in fact I don't even have a Linux compatible webcam
so I will be off little help further I expect.


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