[ubuntu-za] [Petition to National Department of Basic Education] Re-evaluate the implementation plan for standardising to Delphi over Java

Timothy Spring lordfoom at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 10:57:59 UTC 2013

I also don't understand why Java can't be the proposed language? Static
typing, wide usage, lots of tools, great tooling, a springboard for other
JVM languages, eg JRuby, Groovy, Jython, lots of documentation and examples
online, numerous example projects to learn from.....

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Hilton Gibson <hilton.gibson at gmail.com>wrote:

> Those lists look like excellent motivation to change course for the DBE.
> On 4 November 2013 12:05, Peter Nel <fourdots at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>> We need to specify a single alternative to Delphi or Java
>>> So far there has been more than 10 alternatives, from C to lazarus to
>>> Python, this will only confuse the DBE guys and gals even more
>>> We need to select 1 ( and I mean 1 alternative ), don't confuse the DBE
>>> even more
>>> The alternative must be :
>>>      Free as in Freedom, not only free as in cost
>>>      cross platform ( inparticular Linux, MS Windows, and OSX )
>>>      Easy to learn ( as most IT teachers have to learn it before they
>>> teach the Learners )
>>>      Need, Docs that are freely available
>>> So you programming guys and gals, select one alternative, and lets put
>>> that forward to them
>>> Lets make the DBE not have to think, or be swayed by someone else
>>> William
>> Is there a reason Java is not viable? I understand some people think of
>> it as difficult, but most free IDEs like Netbeans and Eclipse generate the
>> boilerplate classes and files, so students can just start coding. And it's
>> easier and safer than C (currently top) or C++.
>> Have a look at these programming language ranking sites that also track
>> popularity over some time. Java is consistently near 1 and
>> Delphi consistently very low on the list, sometimes not even on the list.
>> http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html
>> http://langpop.com/
>> Another thing that seems to me would be an incentive for kids is that
>> Java can run on mobiles and tablets. Writing games or toy apps that kids
>> can bring to school and show or share with friends on their phones.
>> Peter Nel
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> *Hilton Gibson*
> Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
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