[ubuntu-za] [Petition to National Department of Basic Education] Re-evaluate the implementation plan for standardising to Delphi over Java

William Walter Kinghorn williamk at dut.ac.za
Sun Nov 3 05:21:03 UTC 2013

Hi All,

We need to specify a single alternative to Delphi or Java

So far there has been more than 10 alternatives, from C to lazarus to Python, this will only confuse the DBE guys and gals even more

We need to select 1 ( and I mean 1 alternative ), don't confuse the DBE even more

The alternative must be :
     Free as in Freedom, not only free as in cost
     cross platform ( inparticular Linux, MS Windows, and OSX )
     Easy to learn ( as most IT teachers have to learn it before they teach the Learners )
     Need, Docs that are freely available

So you programming guys and gals, select one alternative, and lets put that forward to them

Lets make the DBE not have to think, or be swayed by someone else

From: ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] on behalf of marvel chigama [chigama at gmail.com]
Sent: 01 November 2013 09:14
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] [Petition to National Department of Basic Education] Re-evaluate the implementation plan for standardising to Delphi over Java

Is this petition open to anyone? ie people not in SA at the moment?


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