[ubuntu-za] Problems since last round of "major" updates

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Mon May 20 21:22:59 UTC 2013

Hi Robin.

That sure is a mind boggle. Lets look at what commonalities these machines

- did all three machines do major updates? i.e. could a kernel bug affect
all three?
- do they have any common hardware makes/models? network cards? bluetooth?
- are they all networked together? are samba shares setup?
- any specific drivers or software you install on all 3 (apart from LO)?
- are they all 64-bit? Or do they vary?
- does any of this resemble your issue? -


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:35 PM, Robin Bownes <robin at bownes.co.za> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I'm running 3 computers, each with a different version of Ubuntu - namely
> 12.04, 12.10 & 13.04. While in the past, I've experienced a problem here
> and there on a specific version after an update, this is the first time
> that I'm experiencing the same problems across the board on all 3 machines.
> This would seem to indicate that there's something fundamentally wrong
> somewhere.
> The problems are:
>    1. Nautilus hangs in the middle of copying/moving files to/from either
>    USB drives or over my LAN. Copying just stops, and the only way to get rid
>    of the copy dialogue is to restart the PC. No error message, nothing - just
>    stops.
>    2. Libre Office (running different versions on all these machines)
>    hanging at increasingly shortening intervals, until it becomes unusable.
>    The only way to get Libre Office to load again after a hangup, is to
>    restart the machine. Sometimes even that doesn't work.
> Is anybody else experiencing any of this? As I say, if it was just one
> machine, I'd blame the machine, but its all 3, and all 3 Ubuntu versions,
> and all began directly after the last major update a few days ago.
> Any assistance welcome.
> Thanks.
> --
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