[ubuntu-za] Sharing a hdd cross-country

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Mon May 20 20:43:21 UTC 2013

Thanks for the neat info Neil, that is encouraging! Do you know if it had
an enclosure? I can see ATA drive pins get bent and bust quickly, but SATA
won't suffer that so much.

Well I am still keen to try this out. How do we go about this? A list of
recipients so we can build a travel route?


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Neil Oosthuizen <nlsthzn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Little bit late to the party and discussion but several years ago a group
> of anime fans had a hdd being sent around SA with all of them contributing
> their own anime and then obviously taking what they want from the hdd and
> that drive was doing the rounds for a very long time without any issues.  I
> would imagine the worst thing that can happen is it gets "lost" somewhere.
> Neil
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