[ubuntu-za] Home directory

Bill Cairns cairnsww at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 18:08:41 UTC 2013


I finally decided that my problems with my 12.10 machine were probably
caused by a bad install and so I decided to re-install

One of the options on the re-install is to simply re-install. So I did
that and the system ended up worse than before. Not only did it
immediately blow with a Combiz error, but it so slow that the mouse
was barely usable. So I decided on

The next option which is to completely reinstall. Warning - I was
going to lose all my files.  OK - I have a good backup so off I went.
It took a long time (it seemed to sit on "Reinstalling old
applications" for yonks. Heck - I didn't even want it to re-install
old applications). But eventually

I have a good 12.10 installation. At least I have not had a Compiz
error and the mouse is great. But now I find

I made a silly error during the re-installation and did not tell the
sector manager that my Home directory was already on sector DB6 (or
something). So it created me a new Home directory on the Root sector..

How (without re-installing please!) can I tell it that actually my
Home directory is on a different sector?


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