[ubuntu-za] Kubuntu 12.04 netbook favourites panel empties on shutdown?

Adrianna Pińska adrianna.pinska at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 14:15:52 UTC 2013

Hi, Vincent

I don't use KDE, but my guess is that some configuration in your home
directory is in a weird state, possibly as a result of an upgrade. The
first thing I would try is to create a new guest account, log into it
and see if you can reproduce the problem.

If the new account is fine, you can try various strategies to find the
broken config -- either by doing some research to find out the exact
file or directory it's in, or just a brute force binary search (either
copying hidden files into the new account until it breaks or removing
files from your account until it stops breaking). Just make sure you
back all of the hidden files up somewhere before you start doing that,
so that you don't accidentally lose any important settings.

Do you have to physically shut down the machine to trigger the
problem, or does it also happen when you end the X session (log out
and log back in)?

Adrianna Pińska

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