[ubuntu-za] Putting back usb item on the launcher

Robin Bownes robin at bownes.co.za
Fri Apr 26 07:26:13 UTC 2013

If you can remember the volume name of your stick, then you can type the 
name into the Dash Home search bar. It should come up. Then drag the 
icon back onto the launcher.

Hope it works.


On 26/04/2013 08:15, Wikus wrote:
> Morning Guys ,
> I made a very silly mistake last night that I dunno how to fix.
> When I use my usb stick it shows on the launcher when inserted.
> Last night I accidentally chose "remove from launcher" on the 
> right-click there.
> ( I wanted to click "eject" )
> Now my usb stick doesn't show up on the launcher any more when inserted.
> Even if I mount it again.
> How can I get it's launcher icon back ?
> This is on 13.04 64bit
> Thank you
> - Wikus

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