[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 12.04 behaviour

Jan Greeff jan at verslank.net
Mon May 28 15:59:53 UTC 2012

Since doing a new install of Ubuntu 12.04 from CD's burnt from images 
that I received from a local computer shop, the owner of which is a keen 
Ubuntu user, my system has been freezing regularly at the drop of a hat. 
The screen goes gray and everything freezes for a few seconds but 
sometimes it lasts for a few minutes.

It seems to happen at any time, during Thunderbird mail operations, 
Libre Office documents, software centre operations, browsing, etc.

It is happening on the 64 bit installation on my machine as well as on 
the 32 bit installation on the one that my wife is using.

I followed up the installation by running upgrade and update on both 

Are there any suggestions about where to from here?


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