[ubuntu-za] Axxess smtp issues on Ubuntu

Hannes Coetzee scorpking at scorpking.za.org
Fri May 25 11:35:16 UTC 2012

On 25/05/2012 10:38, Wikus wrote:
> Hannes that is not an option. It works , but:
> If I make gmail's smtp the default then all my mail comes from my 
> gmail account and not from my
> main account. The problem with that is that when someone replies on my 
> mail it then goes to the wrong
> account. It goes to my gmail account and not my main account as the 
> adress for reply is my gmail adress and
> not my main adress because the gmail smtp was used.
> - Wikus
This would solve that --> 
http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7991 & 

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