[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 12.04 Paingolin

Robin Bownes robin at bownes.co.za
Wed May 9 07:20:30 UTC 2012

On 05/08/2012 09:53 PM, Wayne Abroue wrote:
> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Jan Greeff<jan at verslank.net>  wrote:
>> After conditioning myself to work throught the Unity issue, I was actually
>> looking forward to upgrading to 12.04.
>> At this stage I rue the day!
>> The upgrade has cut off my printer and the system hangs at every conceivable
>> occasion so that not even the force-quit will work and I simply have to
>> switch off the power and start all over.
>> Not a happy chappy at all, thanks to 12.04 Painful Precise Paingolin.
> And don't forget the 1.5 G of downloads, mine went ok so far, did see
> a few virtualbox errors though, haven't tested yet. Everything else
> went fine and seems to run equally fine.
> Wayne A
>> Jan
>> --
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Must say that I'm also having something of a Painful Pangolin 
experience. I'm also experiencing the constant "hang-ups", that Wayne 
mentioned. While they don't always necessitate a power-button restart, 
they are incredibly annoying, and are having a hugely negative effect on 
my ability to work. Just about everything is taking me 2 - 3 times 
longer (at least) than it did before.

I'm perfectly happy with Unity since I'd been using 11.10, and did not 
have these problems with 11.10. I was under the impression that 12.04 
was an "improvement" on the existing 11.10 - and supposedly more stable, 
usable, etc.

I also had to re-install nearly all of my programs and peripherals, even 
though I install the OS in a separate partition. This is the first time 
that I've had such problems - and I install each upgrade as it becomes 

I hope something is done really soon, or I will have to waste yet more 
days reverting to 11.10. If I can somehow say this in a way that won't 
freak everyone out - I know its an emotional issue - but - I dumped 
Microsoft (after many years of selling, supporting & training MS) 
because dealing with the delays, fixes, crashes, freezes, etc., was 
taking too much time from my work. I really don't like being back in 
that space.


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