[ubuntu-za] Hard disk issues

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Fri Jun 29 09:18:42 UTC 2012

On 28/06/2012 21:13, Bruce Pieterse wrote:
> On 28/06/2012 16:45, Tom Bamford wrote:
>> Replace the drive. It's dying along with everything stored on it. If 
>> it's only a few months old you can return it under warranty. Drive 
>> failures are common in the first weeks/months of first use. Regards Tom 
> Here a two things based on past experience that can help you diagnose 
> the problem further:
>  1. Normally a lack of power to your drives will make the drive turn
>     off and on again and it can alternate between short or long
>     periods before
>  2. I spoke to a technician at work about the reallocated sector
>     counts, and he advised me that normally this is an issue when hard
>     drives are
> Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for the advice.  I'm working on a laptop, so most of the issues 
don't apply.  I did check the temperature and found that it was ok 
(37deg).  I think I'll have to find that slip and take the hard drive 
back to the store.

I have also setup BackupPC on a server to keep my laptop backed up. 
Awesome app!  Restoring my system should be a lot easier as a result.

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