[ubuntu-za] Screen saver confusion

FransIT dormakorp at vodamail.co.za
Sat Jun 9 08:49:48 UTC 2012

On 12/06/08 10:57, Jan Greeff wrote:
> Thanks FransIT, I have been to the other options, but I do think that 
> the developers (how does this get to them?) should look at the 
> apparent conflict in the settings guides.
> Jan
Yes they should...different apps that handles the events can be 
confusing...maybe at least combine the gui for the functionality... I'm 
sure they have someone browsing the net for this type of suggestions... 
other wise there are a brainwaves log for ubuntu, were the most 
outragous ideas get posted sometimes,  and then developers make 
something of it...or not.
> On 08/06/2012 10:17, FransIT wrote:
>> On 12/06/07 21:08, Jan Greeff wrote:
>>> The screen saver settings on Ubuntu 12.04 are confusing: Under 
>>> "display modes" it says "Blank after..." but when I hover the 
>>> cursor, it says "How long before the screen saver activates."
>>> So if I set it at, say 30 minutes, will the screen go blank after 30 
>>> minutes or will the screensaver activate after 30 minutes? It 
>>> appears as if the screen goes blank, but it seems to go blank after 
>>> a short while anyway, irrespective of how I set it up.
>>> Can somebody please elaborate on these settings?
>>> Jan
>> You may also like to look at the power saving options... as this is 
>> where the screen get switched off.
>> There should also be a package in the repositories for more 
>> screensavers... an ppa's for even more. I prefer to switch the screen 
>> of after a time rather than just blanking it or using a screensaver.

  When working on a computer you have to know enough:
  To fake what you don't know.
  Google what you can't fake.
  How (and when) to 'motivate' the computer to do what Google won't tell.

Frans de Waal
IT Manager/

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