[ubuntu-za] Top / Right Dock

Bill Cairns cairnsww at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 09:34:53 UTC 2011

I sent this a couple of days ago but I haven't seen it since. So I am retrying.

I have been playing around on my machine trying various programs
that looked interesting.

Suddenly this morning I found two windows on my desktop - Top Dock and
Right Dock. I clicked on Top Dock's window and it went away. Right
Dock minimises when I click on it's window. I have tried right
clicking, left clicking, expanding, dragging things onto it but
nothing seems to do anything. I can close it from the tool bar.

I am sure that something I did introduced this chap onto my desktop (I
remember running applications when I close down) but I did not
deliberately invite Top or Right Dock. They don't seem to do anything
... but perhaps they are worms disguised as dragons?

Can someone tell me what and why they are?


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