[ubuntu-za] NETBOOK CRASH
bullet at ballmail.co.za
Wed Sep 29 08:43:38 BST 2010
On Sun, 2010-09-26 at 22:38 +0200, Jonathan Groll wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 04:10:59PM -0400, Lee Sharp wrote:
> >That will only change the files that are "new" in 10.10, and an upgrade
> >may keep the same permissions. I would reinstall. Get a package list
> >first...
> To get a package list:
> aptitude search '~i'
> The above command will list all your installed packages and the
> automatically installed ones will be marked with A.
> Or, in synaptic go to "File --> History" to get an idea of which
> packages were installed and when.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
Thanks very much for all the advice and help regarding my problem. I've
reinstalled & alls well so far.
It's still unclear to me though as to why 10.04 places a lock on any
backups made and put in the backup folder in var, while this never
happened in 8.04?
I.m now a tad hesitant to use chown in order to unlock & transfer these
file to a disk as it would seem that this is what caused the crash in
the first place. Although 10.04 on the desktop, where these locks take
place, is still working just fine?
The command I used is "sudo chown -hR vincent /var/backup"
Surely this would only change ownership of "backup" to vincent & not all
the other files it appears to have changed?
Once again many thanks for the help received.
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