[ubuntu-za] OLE object in OOO Spreadsheet

Ewald Horn ewaldhorn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 13:02:05 GMT 2010

On 12 March 2010 14:49, Robin Bownes <robin at ncedatrust.org.za> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> While I appreciate the levity and philosophising, and while this thread has
> received more responses than for any other question that I've posted, these
> responders are actually making no effort what so ever to assist with what is
> a real and quite serious problem.
> Is there anyone out there that can actually assist with the problem as
> stated in my original email. (repeated below)
> Thanks.
> Robin

Hi Robin.

When asking questions like this, it is often usefull to include, amongst
other things, the versions of software you are using, for example, which
version of OpenOffice are you using? Have you tried the latest release? What
format is the Excel spreadsheet, .xls or .xlsx? Could we (who do not
use/have Excel) get a sample file somewhere?

All of this might just make it easier to help you.

Incidently, with OpenOffice 3.2 on my machine it opens a .xlsx document with
a PDF file embedded with no problems.

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