[ubuntu-za] Logon screen problems

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Sat Mar 6 09:39:35 GMT 2010

Hi all,

Well, you know how it is with Ubuntu, installed some apps last night, 
then was trying to make Virtualbox start as a session, and next thing, 
I've got a problem with my login.

Login just freezes. I can start up in recovery mode and get in with startx.

If I try to start system > admin > login screen it takes a while to 
start, and then refuses to unlock.

This could be because I installed login screen 2, which I've now 
removed. [I also installed byobu, but don't think this is the problem 
because it only runs if I tell it to run. Uninstalled just to be safe.]

So culprit definitely login screen 2, or something to do with my trying 
to execute vboxmanage from login.

Now trying to figure out how to restore my login.

Does anybody know how to start login screen in terminal?

Any ideas appreciated.


PS: Check out my Ubuntu Aubergine Dip recipe  in honour of the new 
branding at http://indlovu.wordpress.com


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