[ubuntu-za] ebox and others...

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Jul 28 23:24:33 BST 2010

On 07/28/2010 02:05 PM, Charl Wentzel wrote:

> Here's a thought... why don't you do a session for us on firewalls, i.e.
> m0n0wall and Untangle.  I wouldn't mind learning more about these
> projects.  You also seem to have a good grasp on the theory behind
> firewalls in general.  How about it?

Ooops...  Gotta let out my dirty little secret now.  I am not in SA.  I 
have not been for a few years, actually...  I joined the list because I 
was looking for some services in SA and was out of touch.  I stayed 
because it is useful, and reminds me of good times. :)

So, glad to contribute, but it has to be from a distance. :)


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