[ubuntu-za] ebox and others...

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Wed Jul 28 19:05:30 BST 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Sharp <leesharp at hal-pc.org>

I am active in two other similar projects, m0n0wall and Untangle. 
M0n0wall is a feeebsd based firewall with lots of features, and ROCK 
SOLID.  I have over 100 in production.  Untangle is a filtering
and feature loaded.  While both are open source, Untangle also has a 
paid component.  Both are worth looking at.


Hi Lee

Here's a thought... why don't you do a session for us on firewalls, i.e.
m0n0wall and Untangle.  I wouldn't mind learning more about these
projects.  You also seem to have a good grasp on the theory behind
firewalls in general.  How about it?


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