[ubuntu-za] Changing SATA setting from IDE mode to AHCI after Ubuntu install

Stefano Rivera ubuntu-za at rivera.za.net
Tue Jul 20 20:59:29 BST 2010

Hi Josh (2010.07.20_18:27:48_+0200)
> So just to confirm then I can just enable it and when i boot Ubuntu I
> shouldnt notice any difference or have to change anything?


> will this continue to work as per usual?

Should do.

> My DVD drive is SATA and connected to a SATA port on my motherboard.
> Will this be affected at all by changing the SATA mode to AHCI , and
> will it still be detected and allowed to install an OS from it if when I
> need to do clean installs?

No, it won't be affected, assuming the OS supports AHCI.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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