[ubuntu-za] Changing SATA setting from IDE mode to AHCI after Ubuntu install

Josh Brodrick josholikestofly at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 17:27:48 BST 2010

Hi Stefano

Thanks so much for the quick response!

> > My question is whether I can safely change the SATA controller setting
> from
> > IDE mode to AHCI mode without causing any problems to my Ubuntu install?
> If you haven't manually edited your /etc/fstab it should work fine.

So just to confirm then I can just enable it and when i boot Ubuntu I
shouldnt notice any difference or have to change anything?
I havnt manually edited /etc/fstab on this pc, but I do sometimes manually
mount an intenral NTFS sata drive - will this continue to work as per usual?

> Your windows install is likely to be a little unhappy about it, but you
> probably don't have to re-install.
> SR

Yes I already checked that out and it does seem to not like it, but
apparently I can just enable the driver in the reg before enabling
AHCI....but I wont trouble you guys about that here :)

Thanks again!

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