[ubuntu-za] FW: [UCLP] Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 released

William Walter Kinghorn williamk at dut.ac.za
Thu Apr 29 06:53:04 BST 2010

Hi All,

Here is info about Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 released

From: ubuntu-learning-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-learning-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Benjamin Humphrey [humphreybc at gmail.com]
Sent: 29 April 2010 02:13
To: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com; ubuntu-translations-coordinators at lists.launchpad.net; ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com; ubuntu-learning at lists.ubuntu.com; ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com; ubuntu-nz at lists.launchpad.net; ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com; ubuntu-manual at lists.launchpad.net; contact at omgubuntu.co.uk; olly at guvnr.com; tips at lifehacker.com; editors at linux.com; linux-watch at ziffdavisenterprise.com; tomdryer.com at gmail.com; joshua at engadget.com; thinkhard at gmail.com; christopher.swift at linux.com; news at techradar.com; podcast at ubuntu-uk.org; fullcirclepodcast at googlemail.com
Subject: [UCLP] Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 released

Full article here: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/getting-started-with-ubuntu-10-04-released/

The Ubuntu Manual Team<http://ubuntu-manual.org> are proud to announce the release of Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04, a comprehensive beginner's guide designed for the Ubuntu operating system. It is written under an open source license and is free for you to download, read, modify, and share. This manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music, and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy-to-follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience.


Easy to understand - our manual has step by step instructions and is jargon-free
A picture is worth a thousand words - lots of screenshots to show you how to do tasks
All in one place - conveniently located in one file, so you don’t have to look all over the web for help
Progressive learning curve - start with the basics, and learn as you work through each chapter
Dozens of languages - translated into more than 50 languages, including localized screenshots
CC-BY-SA licensing - download, modify, reproduce and share as much as you like
No cost - our documents are all written by Ubuntu community members and there is no charge to use them
Printer friendly - we have a version optimized for printing to save the trees
Troubleshooting section - to help you solve common Ubuntu problems quickly

You can download the manual for free as a PDF, or buy a printed copy through Lulu. All of the relevant information is on our website, http://ubuntu-manual.org.

Don't forget to check out our plans for Maverick:

Benjamin Humphrey

Ubuntu Manual Team Lead
Dunedin, New Zealand


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