[ubuntu-za] Launch of New Website

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 17:03:33 BST 2010

Very nice.
Thanks to Raoul and David.

On 26 April 2010 11:17, David Rubin <drubin at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Good Morning
> So by now the DNS should have propagated and you should all be able to
> access our new and improved website [1]. There is still some work that
> needs to be done on it but for now it is working pretty well and looks
> amazing IMHO.
> Currently we allow any openid provider as well as username/password. I
> would like to see us moving to using only Launchpad as our openid
> provider since we get the added benefit of integrating into LP and it
> also encourages users to make use of the wiki+forums+LP.
> Things you might want to take a look at is the new Get Ubuntu page [1]
> we now have a search function that allows new users to search by
> city/town and distro for people around them that are willing to help
> out users with getting ubuntu. Since each distro is linked to a
> specific user people can use the "contact user" form to get hold of
> you so no need to include your email in some hacked spam protection
> manner.
> Our new theme was designed and setup by Raoul Snyman our very own
> superfly! It should also be mentioned that he has done an
> extraordinary amount of work on the new website in getting it up and
> running so thank a million!
> The new website is currently hosted on Clugs server [3] which is
> sponsored by Frog Foot[4]. So thanks to both of them for making this
> happen.
> Just to let you know that we already have daily backups in a remote
> location. :) Thanks Stefano (tumbleweed)
> More to come at a later but thanks for bearing with us in how long it
> took to get the new site back up and running. Hopefully it will be
> worth the wait.
> David Rubin
> [1] http://ubuntu-za.org
> [2] http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu
> [3] http://wiki.clug.org.za/
> [4] http://www.frogfoot.com/
> --
> ubuntu-za mailing list
> ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za

Hilton Gibson
Systems Administrator
JSG Library Room 1025D
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

Cell: +27 846 464 758
Email: hgibson__AT__sun.ac.za
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