[ubuntu-za] Launch of New Website

David Rubin drubin at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 26 10:17:14 BST 2010

Good Morning

So by now the DNS should have propagated and you should all be able to
access our new and improved website [1]. There is still some work that
needs to be done on it but for now it is working pretty well and looks
amazing IMHO.

Currently we allow any openid provider as well as username/password. I
would like to see us moving to using only Launchpad as our openid
provider since we get the added benefit of integrating into LP and it
also encourages users to make use of the wiki+forums+LP.

Things you might want to take a look at is the new Get Ubuntu page [1]
we now have a search function that allows new users to search by
city/town and distro for people around them that are willing to help
out users with getting ubuntu. Since each distro is linked to a
specific user people can use the "contact user" form to get hold of
you so no need to include your email in some hacked spam protection

Our new theme was designed and setup by Raoul Snyman our very own
superfly! It should also be mentioned that he has done an
extraordinary amount of work on the new website in getting it up and
running so thank a million!

The new website is currently hosted on Clugs server [3] which is
sponsored by Frog Foot[4]. So thanks to both of them for making this

Just to let you know that we already have daily backups in a remote
location. :) Thanks Stefano (tumbleweed)

More to come at a later but thanks for bearing with us in how long it
took to get the new site back up and running. Hopefully it will be
worth the wait.

David Rubin

[1] http://ubuntu-za.org
[2] http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu
[3] http://wiki.clug.org.za/
[4] http://www.frogfoot.com/

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